Creative weekend

This weekend has been awesome. Yesterday I spent the day screen printing tea towels at the Folk College where I live. Tried out a winter/christmas design and it turned out beautiful. It would be so much fun to make a small winter interior collection, but it’s already the middle of October so I am short of time. We’ll see what I can accomplish.

I started this day drawing, practicing flute and then my in-laws came to visit and we had a “fika”, which is Swedish for when you have coffee and something sweet and yummy (in this case cinnamon rolls) and hang out.

Then my dear suggested that I should have tractor training (I suspect he plans to make me do the snow shoveling this winter 😝 ). The few times I have been driving our John Deer before, it has broken down every time, I swear! So I have felt a little insecure in the area. But today went great, and the tractor only broke down a little.
The rest of the day I spent in the garden, harvesting the last beetroots, squash and pumpkins. As the autumn gets colder, the pumpkin leaves whistle down and reveals more pumpkins, I thought I had harvested pretty much all of them, but today I found 50 more small decoration pumpkins. Pumpkin happiness! 🍂

Lots of Love, Miriam

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